Public Consulting Group hosts Job Mentoring Course for North Carolina Middle School Students

On March 27th, 2018, Public Consulting Group (PCG), as a part of the North Carolina Business Community for Education (NCBCE)’s statewide Students@Work Initiative, hosted a group of 14 middle school students in its Raleigh office for a crash course in the world of public sector consulting. Throughout the day, students met with PCG staff to learn more about how PCG works for the benefit of the health, human services, and education agencies both across the country, and within North Carolina specifically. In addition, students learned some of the valuable skills, from strategic marketing to crafting an effective elevator speech, that PCG staff use in their daily work. By the day’s end, PCG staff had highlighted the kinds of job opportunities that could be available to students when they finish their education, as well as the kinds of skills that are important to cultivate in order to operate effectively in these roles.
The 2018 Students@Work initiative includes more than 160 employers and approximately 29,000 students statewide. Students@Work℠ is a joint initiative between the North Carolina Business Committee for Education (NCBCE) and the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and is made possible by a grant from GSK.
About the North Carolina Business Committee for Education (NCBCE)
The North Carolina Business Committee for Education is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit comprised of business leaders from across the state. NCBCE’s mission focuses on ensuring that every student in North Carolina graduates from high school ready for life and work in a global society.