PCG’s Tony McLean Brown Joins the Board at NCSU’s Institute for Emerging Issues

Charlotte, NC, April 19, 2020 — Tony McLean Brown, Director, Strategic Investments at Public Consulting Group, Inc. (PCG), has been appointed to the board of the North Carolina State University Institute of Emerging Issues (NCSU IEI), for a three-year term. Also joining the Board is Carol Mattocks, a New Bern resident who has served extensively on several public sector boards in North Carolina.
Founded in 2002, NCSU IEI is dedicated to addressing North Carolina’s most pressing challenges in education, economy, health, and other environments, and contributes innovative solutions. In 2017, NCSU IEI created ReCONNECT NC, a crowdsourcing effort, to explore the root causes and solutions to address disconnection in areas such as community, job opportunities, and technology.
Of Brown’s new appointment, Leslie Boney, NCSU IEI Director and Vice Provost, Outreach and Engagement, NCSU, said, "Tony is a North Carolina treasure. Beyond his deep experience and perspective addressing policy issues on both a state and national level, he also has a deep understanding of NC State, from his days as a student, as a parent and as a friend of the university. As we try to continually identify and address emerging issues facing us, we are honored to have him join our board."
Brown’s NCSU EI board appointment aligns with his long-standing commitment to helping public section organizations make measurable improvements to their performance and processes. He brings more than 35 years of project experience in information technology, including management consulting, systems integration, and operations. Brown oversaw the expansion of PCG’s core capabilities — federal revenue optimization, K-12 public special education services, consumer direction, workforce development, and most recently, space exploration collaborations.
As a NC State graduate and long-time supporter of the Wolfpack Club, CHASS Creative Writing Program, Department of Computer Science, and NC IEI, Brown said, “all my life I’ve had deep appreciation and respect for NC State University. Every summer NCSU students would come to our family farm outside of Asheville to advise us on crop rotation, water management, and organic farming techniques.”
“After high school, I was admitted to the newly formed Computer Science program. As a junior, I entered the Cooperative Education program and worked with the EPA developing air pollution models. Everything about NC State was leading edge when I was a student, and the University’s commitment to being at the front of the Pack continues today at NC IEI. I’m delighted to serve on the Board,” said Brown.
Prior to joining PCG, Brown worked for Deloitte, General Motors, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Brown holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Duke University, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from North Carolina State University.
HappyGuidetoaShortLife #NCState #ReconnectNC #instituteforemergingissues
About Public Consulting Group
Public Consulting Group, Inc. (PCG) is a leading public sector solutions implementation and operations improvement firm that partners with health, education, and human services agencies to improve lives. Founded in 1986 and headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, PCG has over 2,000 professionals in more than 50 offices across North America and in Europe. The firm has five designated practice areas with extensive experience in all 50 states, clients in six Canadian provinces, and a growing practice in Europe. Often combining resources from two or more practice areas, PCG offers clients a multidisciplinary approach to solve their challenges or pursue opportunities. To learn more, visit www.publicconsultinggroup.com.
Stephen Skinner, Public Consulting Group
(617) 717-1150